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2nd attempt at making friends via Reddit šŸ˜–šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ™‚

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This is a follow-up to a post I wrote an hour ago and then deleted as instructed by a kind, respectful commenter.

Here is how I should have introduced that post: I am autistic. I donā€™t think the same way that most people do. I always figured I was a little on the spectrum, but according to evidence, I underestimated just how autistic I am. I feel the full gamut of emotions: happiness, loneliness, sadness, anger, resentment, hopefulness, whatever. But I approach life as a set of logical problems. That doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t give in to my emotions sometimes and make stupid mistakes that I regret later.

The reason I hesitate to say Iā€™m autistic is because Iā€™ve grown up talking shit with the guys, and ā€œautisticā€ was always used as an insult, as far as I could tell. I donā€™t want to be labeled like: ā€œAwww look at that cute autistic kid trying to communicate with the normal people!!ā€ Statements like that are degrading, and I donā€™t want to be the target of them. Reasonable?

I think my previous post (now deleted) was off-putting to a lot of people because I was very forthcoming about my values and beliefs, and I mixed finding friends and finding business clients into one post. I also mentioned a lot of past mistakes I have made, and times I have hurt people. Someone kindly took the time to DM me and explained that I came off as one of the lizard people from old TV: (roughly) ā€œHello, fellow humans, do not mind me, I am not here to eat you. I am just like you.ā€

In reality, I was trying to humble myself and say ā€œLook, no matter who you are, or what you have done, I have made mistakes too. I wonā€™t look down on you.ā€ I think I must have failed to communicate that message, because my post got disliked into the gutter and I got a ton of negative comments telling me things like ā€œRead enough of this to know youā€™re insufferable and your ex is much better off without youā€.


Iā€™m really gratefulā€”and I mean I am really gratefulā€”to have two parents who never got divorced, have always been faithful to each other even through tough times, and who love me unconditionally. I know they love me unconditionally because they have seen me at rock bottom, after I hid so much stuff from them for so long, and they came at me with nothing but empathy and support. Iā€™m also lucky to have many male role models in addition to my dad; men who operate with respect and humility, even in the face of adversity and condescension from others.

I donā€™t hate those people who wrote mean comments. They upset me greatly for a little while, but that is all the more reason to love them. Happy people donā€™t sit on Reddit and tear other people down. So clearly, those commenters are going through rough times. That makes them exactly the type of people that I would like to be good friends with.


In my previous post, I also mentioned wanting to make female friends because I have an unhealthy view of women. I have grown up reading/watching a lot of content about feminism, and gender equality, etc. etc. My mom raised me to be respectful of women, telling stories about how she has been sexually harassed and looked down on in places of work as a woman. I was just a young kid when I first heard those stories from her. I grew up never wanting to be one of the ā€œmale pigsā€, and I definitely do not want to EVER be labeled a rapist. I have seen what happens to people like that.

Fast forward to dating in my 20s, and I see women passed around and used as nothing more than fuck toys by some assholes. And they seem to enjoy it. Sometimes, the same women spewing feminist remarks. Meanwhile, I was trying to be a nice guy and never overstep with women. I got rejected a lot of times, and matches on Tinder were rare, even after trying lots of different bios and approaches. It was humiliating and demoralizing. Finally, it all made sense when I realized how much people care about physical appearance. Iā€™d rate myself around a 5. I take decent care of my body and Iā€™ve never been overweight, but my jawline is shit (a beard helps but not totally) and I started balding in high school, which was a huge insecurity of mine for a long time.

Throughout all of my dating experiences, I have felt miserable plenty of times. Iā€™ve been insulted and betrayed by women whose opinions I took straight to heart. I became bitter and resentful, and I mistreated them right back.

In hindsight, I made so many mistakes and hurt people so many times. When I follow the sequence of events without getting emotional, everything that happened makes perfect sense.

That said, Iā€™m still not comfortable around women the way I am around men. Maybe thatā€™s the way itā€™s supposed to be. But I see many women claiming they want to be treated as equal individuals, which to me means: one of the boys but they have a vagina, rather than a potential mate I should be cautious around. Also, by comfortable, I donā€™t mean ā€œcomfortable making unwanted approachesā€. I just mean not anxious, and able to carry a thoughtful philosophical conversation like I easily can with another guy, without weird feelings and sexual tension getting mixed in every time.


These days, I understand that everyone faces difficulty in life. I no longer hate people I once wanted to KILLā€”actually, I even respect them now. The past year, I have been repairing bridges that I previously burned, and learning to express my emotions to people in a healthy way.

Iā€™ve been learning so much about people, and the more I learn, the more I love them. Everyone has an interesting story to tell, and when I hear it and help them process it, itā€™s like we both win! In a world that can be pretty cruel and unforgiving, I think companionship is a beautiful thing.

That said, companionship and empathy isnā€™t everything. I also want a supportive group where we keep each other accountable and help each other to not give up on our goals.

My goals are:

  • Physical fitness: I want a hot body, and I want to feel great and stay healthy at least well into my 50s. It is an ego thing, and also a fear-of-death thing. Is that wrong?
  • Environmental sustainability: As far as I can tell, logically, our world is dying. And we are FUCKED if we donā€™t do something about it. Thatā€™s why it upsets me when people drive big trucks everywhere as status symbols, drink tons of bottled water, and say ā€œoh what can I do, Iā€™m just one person?ā€ Guess what, Sherlock: if everyone thinks that way, suddenly you have billions of people trashing the planet, not just one. I donā€™t mean to alienate people who drive trucks, I still love you. Iā€™m just trying to find solutions so we can all survive and have healthy lives.
  • Get rid of paperwork and other tedious bullshit: Nuff said. Life is short. As far as I can tell, a lot of paperwork exists because of people using the America legal system to make money, and not much other reason. All that money will be worthless if the world collapses as a result of cold corporate bureaucracy and whatnot.
  • Be someone anyone can go to: Sometimes I fantasize about tearing a cruel person down to their core, saying the most hurtful things they need to hear but that no one will tell them, and then hugging them and accepting them when they cry. And maybe yelling at all the bystanders who sit there gawking and contributing to a high pressure social situation where the cruel person feels like they will be ostracized if they show vulnerability.

In Closing

If you think we could be friends, or even rivals, or you just want to criticize me, here is my contact info.

Sam Claus
352 - 204 - 7650

I work as a programmer-for-hire via Claus & Effect LLC. I think people just separate work/life because they arenā€™t proud of their work and/or the company they work for. I will not take a job if I think the software is going to be used maliciously. Simple as that. I might be wrong regarding work/life separation reasons though, and I would be happy to have a conversation if you disagree.