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The downside of cynicism

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The content of this website and the domain are property of Sam Claus (me). I control every aspect of every page of the website. This includes subdomains like

  • I could change the "Published" and "Last Edited" dates of any article to whatever I want.
  • If you copy the URL of one of the pages of my website and send it to someone, I could change the content of the page in between the time you viewed it and the time they will view it. I could attempt to make them think you are sending them some sort of neonazi manifesto when really you were trying to send them a recipe for squash.

The content of my website is hosted on various servers which are managed by companies. Technically, they could change the content. It would be difficult for your internet service provider (ISP) or some other middle-man to meddle with the content, thanks to the power of HTTPS. Feasibly, someone could figure out my credentials for logging in to the servers that host my website's content; then they could change it.

All of the stories and opinions expressed on this website are my own. (Unless my website gets tampered with by someone else like I described above.) Either way, I encourage you to question everything you read, no matter where you are reading it.

Recently, I took to Reddit to make a post called Job searching hell, which I will eventually preserve by copying it to this website. Basically I just talked about the past year and a half in which I put in effort to apply to many jobs I was qualified for, and got basically nothing out of it but dismay/stress/despair.

I got mostly supportive responses to the post, but also a couple critics, which is fine. Just getting to socialize with people on the internet and talk about problems felt very therapeutic. There was some complaining to go around, but also a fair number of healthy “don’t give up” attitudes.

I had not used Reddit at all really since announcing GNV Transit several months ago. Now, weeks after making the job searching post, I am using it everyday and scrolling through my feed. I discovered r/LinkedInLunatics, which is satire criticizing all of the shallow/deceptive/arrogant corporate culture surrounding LinkedIn by publicly shaming individuals for their behavior.

When I read content like that, a morbid part of me revels in hatred and condescension. Another, more loving, part of me says “Dude, we’re happy about our low/scary expectations for this world being confirmed??” And I realize that I am sitting alone, grinning or even chuckling about how toxic millions of people are to each other every single day. What if, instead, I went out and made just one person’s day a little better. Or worked on my own self-worth and goals. Instead, I check the time to find out hours have gone by, and I’ve done nothing productive. I haven’t lived up to my purported values today, and instead chose to gorge on other people’s worst behavior to briefly feel better about my own willful negligence.

I used to think being cynical just meant I was more aware/smarter than most. Nowadays I understand that it is possible to recognize the chaos/toxicity/douchebaggery/whatever going on in the world, but still have faith in myself and everyone else to overcome it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I woke up and chose to be an asshole the past couple of weeks. Sorry. I can do better.